Family Learning Tools

The Family Learning Discovery - Phases 1 and 2 are powerful diagnostic tools that enable entrepreneurial families to spot strengths and weaknesses and set out on custom learning paths that maximize performance, harmony and business longevity. Rapid assessments deliver actionable solutions for family and their enterprises!

Family Learning Discovery - Phase 2

Family Learning Discovery - Phase 2 picks up where Family Forward leaves off and delivers even deeper analysis with custom, practical and action-orientated solutions anchored in the repurposing of family vision, harmonizing family with enterprise, and development of family learning – all underpinned with actionable solutions that address leadership transitions to conflict management and much more.


Family Learning Discovery - Phase 1

Family Learning Discovery - Phase 1 reveals enterprising families’ powers and blind spots, and directs them to act on new knowledge. An anonymous and engaging assessment, Family Forward enables families to determine the strength of their governance, gauge the effectiveness of family purpose, measure the health of relationships, identify and exploit values, and more – in just 20 minutes.


Mulliez: A “Learning Family” Par Excellence

France’s Mulliez clan, whose 740 family shareholders control multiple enterprises, are arguably the most successful “learning family” ever. They’ve nurtured a unique business model in which rising generations receive an in-house education and incentives to remain owners who contribute in myriad ways. This is reflected in Affectio Societatis (affection + business), a ground-breaking family pact struck in 1995. It works and has inspired Family Forward and Family Learning Discovery! 

FEF offers a sneak peek ahead of our launch of the ground-breaking Mulliez family book, Family Business: My 25 Years at the Heart of an Entrepreneurial Family.

Book offered to Family Enterprise Canada - Progressive Members